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Getting Started

CosmosDb Adapter




npm install @auth/cosmosdb-adapter

Environment Variables


Partition Key Strategies

The adapter supports 4 different approaches to partiion keys:

  1. Default Strategy - Assumes that the partition key is one of the columns included in the data. For e.g. you can use this if you have the partition key set to the Id column.
  2. Same As Id Strategy - Populates a separate column with the same value of the Id of the record.
  3. Same As Data Type Strategy - Populates a separate column with the same value of the Data Type of the record.
  4. Hardcoded Partition Key - Populates a separate column with a hardcoded value. You can use this if for e.g. you have a multi tenant container with data partitioned on a tenant column.

The strategies are configured as follows:

Default Strategy

const adapter = CosmosDbAdapter(container)

Same As Id Strategy

const pc = {
  partitionKey: "partitionKeyColumnName",
  partitionKeyStrategy: CosmosDbPartitionStrategy.SameAsId,
} as CosmosDbPartitionConfiguration
const adapter = CosmosDbAdapter(container, pc)

Same As Data Type Strategy

const pc = {
  partitionKey: "partitionKeyColumnName",
  partitionKeyStrategy: CosmosDbPartitionStrategy.SameAsDataType,
} as CosmosDbPartitionConfiguration
const adapter = CosmosDbAdapter(container, pc)

Hardcoded Value Strategy

const pc = {
  partitionKey: "partitionKeyColumnName",
  partitionKeyStrategy: CosmosDbPartitionStrategy.HardCodedValue,
  hardCodedValue: "HardcodedPartitionKeyValue",
} as CosmosDbPartitionConfiguration
const adapter = CosmosDbAdapter(container, pc)


  1. Setup auth as in the example below.
import NextAuth, { type AuthConfig } from "next-auth"
import { CosmosDbAdapter } from "@auth/cosmosdb-adapter"
import { CosmosClient } from "@azure/cosmos"
const endpoint = process.env.AUTH_COSMOSDB_ENDPOINT
const key = process.env.AUTH_COSMOSDB_KEY
const client = new CosmosClient({ endpoint, key })
const database = client.database(process.env.AUTH_COSMOSDB_DATABASE)
const container = database.container(process.env.AUTH_COSMOSDB_CONTAINER)
export const { handlers, auth, signIn, signOut } = NextAuth({
  providers: [],
  adapter: CosmosDbAdapter(container),
} satisfies AuthConfig)
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